If you want to combine your vacation or free time with a good dose of exercise, the province offers a vast number of routes and landscapes for bicycling or mountain hiking. You can access the majority of them without a guide and without having to pay to enjoy them. But don’t forget to take all the necessary security measures and to assure that you have identified the route well.
1. Cerro pelado peak: Cerro Pelado is a private area made up of eight properties and a total extension of more than 200 hectares (500 acres). Entry to the area is free of charge. If you take your car and want to hike, you must pay ¢3,000 ($5.35) per vehicle for parking. The hike is moderate. If you want more information you can contact Wilbert Barrantes at 8838-3645.
2. Biking around Nosara: Nosara is the sixth district of the Nicoya canton and offers trails exclusively for hiking or biking. Its access points are not known by everyone, so it’s recommended to go with a local tour company. One company is Nosara MTB & Surf. They rent bikes and offer tours of a minimum of two hours depending on each person’s experience level. You can check out the tours at this website: nosaramtbsurf.com or call these phone numbers: 2573 – 3948 or 8880 – 2870.
3. Nicoya – Quirimán: The route is roughly eight kilometers long (five miles) starting in downtown Nicoya. You must pass the entrance to La Cruz hill. It’s a gravel road and can be rough during the rainy season, but that won’t impede your journey. Almost the entire trail is surrounded by trees, which will protect you from the sun. It has some demanding slopes so it’s recommended that you have some previous experience with the sport.
4. Rincón de la Vieja Waterfall: Our recommendation is to go to entrance at the Pailas sector. The cost for nationals is ¢1,000 ($1.80). The route is about 13 kilometers (eight miles) long and it has steep slopes and drops, so moderate physical conditioning is required.
5. Hacienda Guachipelín – Rincón de la Vieja: If you want to ride a bike in a more controlled environment, you can opt for the mountain biking tours offered by Hacienda Guachipelín. Each tour includes the following rental equipment: Mountain bike, helmet, gloves, assistance vehicle, hydration, replacement equipment (an extra bicycle) and a bilingual (English-Spanish) mountain biking guide. You can also opt for renting only the equipment and ride on your own along the area’s trails. The tours are only for people over 14 years old. For more information about prices you can call 2690-2900.
We recommend:
In general terms, in order to select a good biking or hiking route, you can use the website wikiloc.com
It’s a website for discovering and sharing open air trails for walking, biking and many other activities. It offers trails in several countries around the world and trails exclusively in Costa Rica.