At 9:00 a.m. on Monday, July 22, Nicoya’s streets were filled with movement and color during the typical parade of cultural emblems organized by the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Education, which included a float devoted to foods.
This activity was a favorite of Nicoyans, and hundreds of people enjoyed the event along the main streets of the city center, some even walking along with the procesion while enjoying a corn tortilla in the middle of the street.
The event included the participation of several institutions such as the Nicoya Night School, Nicoya CINDEA school and the school of San Martin, which made reference to the local Chorotega legacy with the parade presentation titled “Yesterday and Today,” which consisted of a brief overview of the different stages in the history of the area.
Parade participants ranged from 4-year-old children to seniors, each contributing tio the display with typical costumes or with music, as in the case of the CINDEA band, which energized the entire procession with its strong rhythm and extraordinary skill of the percussionists, who beat their drumsticks at high speed or threw their drumhs in the air from time to time.
Even the characters of Costa Rican legends such as “La Llorona” and “The Cadejos” were played by students who chased and frightened other youngsters in the audience.
Another crowd pleaser was the presentation of dances by CTP students who wore their best costumes in a great display of talent and color in front of the church of San Blas. For those who attended, it was exciting to see a good number of youth involved in Guanacaste traditions parade with enthusiasm and pride through the streets of the colonial city.