Music fans who were disappointed by the announcement that the Caricaco Music Festival would not be held in 2013 will be delighted to know that it is being planned, bigger and better, for March of 2014.
Alejandro Gutierrez, producer of the festival, let the Voice know that the festival will be moved to a new open-air venue at Finca Austria, in Nosara across the river, with the goal of accommodating 1000 people this time. One reason why the festival was canceled in 2013 was because the previous venue was no longer deemed safe for the amount of people attending. The festival started in 2009 with about 300 attendees, but by 2012 it was drawing a crowd of 700.
Regarding the Finca Austria location, Gutierrez expressed, “It’s an awesome place. It’s big enough, has all the accommodations, and the scenery is awesome. I think it’s the natural evolution of the festival, with room to grow into whatever you want to make it.”
This year, the festival promises to be real festival experience, with eight bands performing a variety of music genres, one of which will be an international group. There will be a main stage and a side stage, activities, games and attractions for adults and children alike, as well as a small camping area. Eventually, Gutierrez hopes to grow the festival into a 2-day event.
At this point, the organizers are looking for sponsors, donors, vendors and volunteers. “If people want to get interested or be a part of it, this is the time to do it,” Gutierrez affirmed. The festival is being promoted in San Jose as well, but Gutierrez promised that first pick is being given to Nosara residents and businesses.
In the past, the festival has had a few vendors of juices, food and jewelry, but this year space is available for a wider array of vendors, with rates starting at $100. There are also spaces for advertisements and banners and options to sponsor stages or events. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit www.caricacomusicfestival.com.