
Lack of Communication Between SINEM and ADIN Halts Nosara Music School

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The Nosara Music School building has been finished since November of 2013. However, lack of communication between the National System of Music Education (SINEM- Sistema Nacional de Educacion Musical) and the Nosara Integral Development Association (ADIN- Asociacion de Desarrollo Integral de Nosara) has prevented it from opening for classes.

On April 1, 2014, SINEM and ADIN signed an agreement approving the Nosara Music School so that the population of socially at-risk boys, girls and teenagers in the community could benefit from access to a musical instrument and quality training in the field of playing orchestra music.

In the agreement, SINEM committed to providing teachers and instruments, and ADIN should take charge of administration of the school.

Marcos Avila, ADIN president explained that in June of 2014, a meeting was held with the new director of SINEM, Josue Morales, to see the school in Nosara progress but Morales was unaware of the agreement.

“We met with Josue, but since [Morales] was starting [his position with SINEM], he didn’t know about the agreement. He said that he was going to study the case and communicate with us, but there was never any further response from SINEM,” Avila assured.

Avila also specified that in the meeting, Morales explained that SINEM was at a standstill because they had a freeze on 50 music teacher positions and therefore could not provide instruments or teachers.

However, this year on June 23rd, Morales stated to The Voice of Guanacaste by email that ADIN is the one who has not submitted the information required since December 2014 to have the school accredited, and that this is why the project has been delayed.

“On December 8, 2014, an email was sent to Mr. Marco Tulio Avila Alvarado with the accreditation criteria form, with documentation that should be submitted to SINEM, which guarantees the conditions for being able to grant public resources through the agreement. To date, we have not received a response,” Morales wrote.

For his part, Avila denies having received the email referred to by Morales and argued that, because they had no reponse from SINEM, a meeting was held in May of this year with the vice minister of the presidency, Luis Paulino Mora Lizano, during which he was asked for help to open the school.

After learning about the existence of a form from SINEM, the president of ADIN said they will be requesting it in order to not delay the opening of school any further.

The construction of the music school cost ¢14 million ($26,400), which was financed through specific line item budgets and funds from the Nosara fiestas. Currently, the building received an additional investment of ¢4.5 million ($8500) from another specific line item budget for floor and bathroom details. 

