
The Santa Cruz Organization That Fights Against Poverty and Exclusion

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The Center for Culture, Education and Child and Adolescent Psychology (Cepia) is a non-profit organization that has more than 100 volunteers and donations from private companies in Huacas near Tamarindo and is the winner of the Creators of Change socio-cultural category.

The organization supports children and adolescents that live in poverty and helps them finish their studies through workshops and extracurricular courses.  Laetitia Deweer started it by giving courses in a rented house in 2005. Now, thanks to donations, she has a place that allows her to give simultaneous courses to kids of different ages.

Through time they learned about the many needs that the families of the children they were helping, among them the lack of birth control, which is why they offer free contraception as part of their programs such as the copper IUD.

Judges praised Cepia’s work because it brings together several institutions and private companies to support families living in extreme poverty in Santa Cruz’s communities.

The organization works in 18 communities in the province, providing daycare programs for children and the promotion of entrepreneurship for kids, as well has health and inclusive community programs for professional training and annual food aid to help women escape extreme poverty.
