The neighborhoods of Hollywood in the district of Nosara (canton of Nicoya), and El Bamb...
Category: Region
For the first time, this canton will host a demonstration organized by civil society in...
Region, Fact Checking, Science
The Voice spoke with Lepolt Linkimer from the National Seismological Network to clarify doubts about...
On average, more than 100 private jets use the Guanacaste Airport per month, but the...
Region, Nature, Special Stories
The gold bars flowing out of Costa Rica form a multi-million dollar river of...
Region, Nature, Special Stories
The large quantities of rock and dirt with raw gold that are arriving at Abangares...
Region, Nature
Ernest Cañada: “The business sector has used the term tourism-phobia to delegitimize social protest”
Region, Nature, Human Rights, Science
Young people from Cuajiniquil combat climate change with short films
Region, Politics
President moved dispute with Congress and Comptroller’s Office to bicentennial celebration
Region, Nicoya, Culture
Recycled promises: Which commitments remain unfulfilled during the annexation’s bicentennial?
Community, Region, Santa Cruz, Lifestyle, Economy
Teodoro Rodríguez, the displaced heir of Tamarindo Beach
Region, Politics
Municipal prosecutors and auditors from Guanacaste forge an alliance against corruption
Region, Nature, Science
Lagoons for the dry season: This is how the ACG plans to combat animal deaths due to heat
Region, Guanacaste Votes
The new authorities are taking over the municipalities and here’s a guide to know them
Region, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, Liberia