
Time to Have Fun

When loving Venus shifts into playful Gemini on the 12th, the speed of life increases and we are put on alert to get ready to juggle the influx of data that is sure to come.

Many avenues and options will become available now that can assist us in getting where we wish to go. Our heart yearns to explore its facets and we feel ripe, opening ourselves to anything that sounds different, playful and fun. Communication will be plentiful and everyone will have more than enough to say so steer clear of gossip. Sort out fact from fiction, paring down the need to speak, just for the sake of hearing your own voice.

The more we listen now, the more we will learn. Avoid stretching yourself too thin as there are many breakthroughs coming. Allow yourself to tune into the natural rhythms and be guided towards a deeper awareness, using this opportunity to free your mind from the potholes that have played out, time and again, in order to “protect” you from your fears. Break away from the desire to label your circumstances as good or bad, allowing space for all sides of each situation. Take things lightly and get a birds eye view. Keep you eye on your own development and be risky, daring to entertain the unknown. Try on different types of love. Act flirtatious and alive, getting out to explore the sights and the sounds. Live a little, spending quality time with people who make you laugh. Engage with others; share intimacy and words of passion. Sign up for a trip, a class, an outing, growing enthusiastic about tomorrow. Allow what you learn to make you smile and give gratitude for even the smallest synchronicity that can validate your choices and your inner knowing. Fuel your path ahead with delight by blending courageous enthusiasm and innocent authenticity. Shine brightly, trusting that you are safe in every new beginning.

Mental Mercury moves into cautious Taurus on the 15th and the pace slows a little, offering us some time to get clear about our plans for the future.

Work methodically towards your goals, using practicality to weed out what only makes things more difficult. Explore your associations and commitments, seeking out the ones that can stand the tests of time. Release any recent dramas, focusing on maintaining quality and integrity in your dealings. What is a worthwhile investment for your energy now? What opportunities merit caution? What aligns with your highest beliefs and ideals? Look closely at the circumstances in your life…. Do they bring you pleasure? Are there structures created in the past that are now holding you back from what you are here to become? Breathe self-love into the spaces where you feel insecure or frightened and guard against negativity, trusting that every undertaking will work out right in the end. Become grounded; Realign with the planet and listen to the signals and the signs you receive, sinking into your body, slowing your impulses, and softening your drive. Follow your natural rhythm as your senses will allow you to feel safe and cared for by Spirit. 

Everything occurring is timely and the pieces and players are falling into place. Feel, touch, smell and taste your way forward, painting your future in colors that bring you joy. Decide what will endure, by filling your thoughts with verdant green pastures of potential.

Transformative Pluto spins retrograde on the 17th, applying the brakes to projects and plans that require a more solid foundation on which to succeed. As spring cleaning begins, it is time to acknowledge any discomfort lying just below the surface. Seek clarity around issues of power and control that are not serving your highest good. Examine your world; Are there perpetual patterns in place that put you at the mercy of others? Do you own your energy or do you give it away? What things trigger you and put you on the defensive? Dissolve anger and aggression, looking carefully at any propensity to toss out or down play the things that cause you pain. Clear the debris from your vision, releasing stories that keep you trapped in the past. Let blame dissolve as you seek to discover your own inner authority, honoring your truth and succumbing to the healing that is ready to occur. Take on as little as possible now, remembering that life is what happens while we are busy making others plans. This powerful planetary movement has the potential to trigger events of magnitude in the world at large. Big business, big infrastructure, politics, natural resources and Earth shifting come to the foreground as we fight for our right to share whats here. Accept that we are all in this together and must learn to support the greater community instead of just caring for ourselves. Ponder how you can help to enrich this planet by sharing the gifts you were given.

A fiery new moon arrives in Aries on the 18th, fueling our desire to manifest! We feel ardent and passionate, impetuous and alive. Focus your intentions on what you wish to achieve by the months end and get driven to complete what you set out to do. Take a leap and move from center to avoid a misstep, as small mistakes have the potential to quickly become magnified. The spotlight falls on our relationships and any opposition around us or within us moves to the foreground. We can only truly be in a relationship with another when we are having a relationship with ourselves; work to release stories of what another’s actions might mean and allow yourself to wonder about how your reaction makes things escalate. Be honest with your connections; leave space in every hard truth for love, working to heal what you can by seeing things through another’s eyes. Rejoice in each other’s differences and focus on what you can create with both skill sets, acknowledging that the answer must lie somewhere between us in order for any relationship to exist. We are all complicated, with walls built around wounds and we are all strong, designed to endure and grow green again, with every breath. Make the most of the present by facing your fears. Express your pleasure, filling the air with authority. Fate is at play and we have finally arrived, so accept wherever you land with as much gusto as you can. Your present options may not be perfect, but that does not mean they aren’t perfectly timed. 

