When a new moon solar eclipse falls in Taurus on the 28th, we are being given the keys to unlocking our destiny; the goal is to know to embrace them when they appear.
Watch for the signals and signs, doing all you can to assist the transformation unfolding. Accept what is, with your eyes wide open, because unexpected information may flip circumstances on a dime and any structures that are built on steam could collapse.
Bear witness to the transformation of our society, as systems that do not serve the highest good are singled out and dismantled. There are large waves of change traveling across the planet and we must be prepared to respond. Find the power in your inner strength and move beyond your comfort zone; be grateful for the good and make peace with the bad.
Chose options for transformation that can honor what is, while releasing the things you must. Some may experience great rewards while others could be forced to deal with karmic circumstances beyond their control, and then their are those who will juggle a mixture of the two.
Be very aware of the other players in your game, as our idea of partnership is shifting to become commitments that are based on shared goals and higher ideals. Treat others as you wish to be treated, finding space in your togetherness, and tenderness in your space. We are all in this together, whether we like it or not.
Avoid pessimism by discovering the inner divinity that can carry you through any obstacle or emergency. Find yourself centered on the cross of existence, right where you meet your relationships, your home life, and your career. Change is the only way through the current circumstances and time is our thoughts made solid; learn to change your mind by feeling your way forward and engaging in daily practices that deepen your inner knowing.
Nature is the most beautiful thing that could every possibly exist; stop focusing on where you are going long enough to enjoy the ride. Remember, Life is a process-oriented sport.